Stamford Energy Efficiency Projects as of Aug. 6, 2013
1 Green Street Lights - Phase 2, LED Roadway fixtures - 947 lights $205,480 2013 833,615
2 Government Center cafeteria lights to LED 897 2013 1,993
3 Stamford High School auditorium lights to LED 3,395 2012 22,854
4 Westhill High School auditorium lights to LED 4,269 2012 35,967
5 Smith House high efficiency chillers and VFD for tower fan 2,818 2012 13,876
6 Transfer Station lighting upgrade and heating controls 21,640 2012 114,145
7 EECBG Grant Funded LED Street Lights - Phase I, 1,027 fixtures 769,245 2012 920,437
8 EECBG Grant/CL&P Rebate Funded EMSystems at Central Firehouse & Vehicle Maint. 95,727 2012 115,526
9 EECBG Grant/CL&P Rebate Funded gym lighting renovations - 13 schools 265,049 2011 277,995
10 CTE gym lighting renovations and high efficiency rooftop unit 3,552 2011 2,478
11 Residential Clean Energy Solar System for Scofield School, 8.2kWdc, 39 panels 60,488 2011 9,482
12 Stamford Historical Society Lighting Retrofit 0 2010 4,290
13 Pilot - LED Post Top Lights - W. North St 0 2010 5,395
14 RBS/CCEF Funded Solar System, Rogers International School, 15.2kWdc, 76 panels 143,876 2010 17,610
15 Westover High E Chiller Replacement 55,505 2010 90,459
16 Hart School High E Chiller and Water Pump/VFD Replacement 16,402 2010 108,272
17 Highway Department Solar Photovoltaic System, 65.5kWdc, 336 panels 301,718 2009 79,600
18 Rippowam Solar Photovoltaic System, 172kWdc, 882 panels 606,822 2009 202,282
19 Environmental Magnet School - LEED Silver (renamed Rogers International School) 120,308 2009 207,054
20 Cummings Park Beachfront lighting upgrade 0 2009 30,586
21 Cove Island Marina lighting upgrade 0 2009 28,544
22 Stillwater Ave. streetscape lighting upgrade 0 2009 49,966
23 Police Headquarters lighting renovations 23,509 2009 82,962
24 Highway Dept lighting renovations, energy management system upgrade 0 2008 41,460
25 Town Yard 110 Haig lighting renovations 2,543 2008 14,035
26 Lines & Signs lighting renovations 2,381 2008 9,483
27 Stamford Manor lighting renovations 8,215 2008 40,767
28 Stamford Museum lighting renovations 1,711 2008 7,735
29 Verdiem computer software - 6,178 personal computers, City and BOE 171,500 2008 1,648,102
30 Curtain Call lighting renovations 3,356 2007 13,389
31 LED Traffic Signals - Phase 3 126,236 2007 627,379
32 LED Traffic Signals - Phase 2 98,501 2007 421,835
33 Stamford High Café high efficiency heating/air conditioning 5,029 2007 19,475
34 Stamford High Café lighting design 6,420 2007 9,045
35 AITE design - lighting, occupancy sensors, vfds, enthalphy control, CO2 controls 173,729 2007 481,678
36 684 Long Ridge (EMS) lighting renovations 4,034 2006 18,532
37 Adult Education lighting renovations 5,829 2006 19,801
38 Ferguson Library Weed Branch lighting renovations 4,038 2006 15,147
39 Stamford High 9th Grade Center design - lighting, heating/air conditioning 34,783 2006 164,799
40 Terry Conners Bon Aqua water softener system 7,995 2006 8,712
41 Stamford High renovations lighting, vfds, motors, CO2 controls 107,766 2006 750,441
42 Police Department Garage lighting renovations 4,067 2005 19,964
43 Stamford WPCA variable frequency drives 98,709 2005 349,551
44 Bell Garage lighting renovations 49,496 2005 133,918
45 Bedford Garage lighting renovations 31,752 2005 84,436
46 Long Ridge Fire Station lighting renovations 6,338 2005 46,241
47 Vehicle Maintenance lighting renovations 36,329 2005 106,201
48 Dolan School gym renovations 13,792 2005 20,405
49 Westhill High gym, pool lighting renovations 26,595 2005 40,163
50 Roxbury School gym lighting renovations 11,375 2005 26,682
51 Newfield School gym lighting renovations 4,638 2004 6,895
52 Stamford High lighting, vfds, motors, high-e chillers, Phase 2 58,757 2004 384,665
53 Terry Conners lighting renovations 51,804 2003 100,012
54 LED Traffic Signals - Phase 1 73,200 2003 618,240
55 Highway Dept design - lighting, high efficiency heating/air conditioning 13,305 2003 79,145
56 Rippowam School lighting occupancy sensors 5,963 2003 39,876
57 Belltown Fire Station lighting renovations 12,443 2003 44,930
58 Ferguson Library lighting renovations 53,973 2003 419,200
59 Westhill Agriscience design - lighting, motors, vfds, Energy Star equipment 21,525 2003 70,329
60 Smith House lighting renovations 59,403 2002 209,099
61 Turn of River Fire Station lighting renovations 16,182 2002 54,149
62 New South End Fire Station lighting design efficiency 2,973 2002 9,635
63 Cloonan School exit lighting, additional occupancy sensors 9,354 2002 41,956
64 Cloonan School lighting renovations - lower, 1st floors 57,930 2002 178,589
65 Terry Conners infrared ice temperature sensor 7,500 2002 37,225
66 Government Center variable frequency drives - condenser pumps 10,100 2002 87,093
67 Stamford High lighting, vfds, motors, Phase 1 6,960 2002 27,272
68 Central Fire HQ lighting, vfds, motors, high-e heating/air conditioning 9,795 2002 106,371
69 BOE Performance Contract - motors, vfds, high-e chillers 178,240 2002 771,642
70 BOE Performance Contract - 14 schools lighting efficiency 318,000 2002 1,946,643
71 Police Headquarters variable frequency drives Phase 2 5,294 2001 63,024
72 Scofield School high efficiency lighting and motors 67,579 2001 539,607
73 Springdale School lighting occupancy sensors 99,944 2001 267,859
74 Stillmeadow School lighting occupancy sensors 124,459 2001 312,602
75 Rippowam School Gym lighting renovations 1,080 2001 39,223
76 Cloonan School second floor lighting renovations 14,430 2001 54,860
77 Rippowam Auditorium dimmable compact fluorescent lighting 2,550 2001 7,453
78 Police Headquarters lighting occupancy sensors 19,641 2001 62,154
79 Police Garage lighting retrofits 9,520 2001 22,736
80 Police Headquarters heating/air conditioning control repairs 10,680 2001 53,846
81 Yerwood Community Center lighting renovations 51,956 2000 117,067
82 Terry Conners Ice Rink jet-ice demineralized water system 20,100 2000 85,000
83 Government Center variable frequency drives - cooling tower 13,650 2000 107,737
84 Government Center variable frequency drives - hot water pumps 6,700 2000 89,400
86 Government Center energy management system expansion 15,700 2000 162,858
87 Government Center lighting occupancy sensors 61,104 1999 316,626
88 Cloonan School lighting occupancy sensors 53,867 1999 271,452
90 Shippan Fire Station lighting renovations 1,025 1999 22,632
91 Vehicle Maintenance addition - office lighting 397 1999 6,308
92 Police Headquarters - high efficiency chiller 1,700 1999 67,329
93 Police Headquarters variable frequency drives, high-e motors 5,508 1999 97,816
94 Government Center variable frequency drives - 18 air handlers 47,950 1999 238,188
95 Rogers School kindergarten wing lighting renovations 1,700 1999 46,819
96 Hart School renovations lighting, energy efficient motors 33,099 1998 107,110
97 Westover School renovations lighting, variable frequency drives, motors 51,738 1998 279,257
  Totals: $5,436,635   17,066,693
  Gas Efficiency Projects     Ccf
89 EECBG Grant/Yankee Gas Funded EMS at Central Firehouse & Vehicle Maintenance 6,092 2012 5,428
85 Dolan School Low-E Window Replacement 2,850 2010 447
  Total $8,942   5,875