Every ounce of material we recycle means one ounce less in our landfills. And every time we recycle, it means less usage of energy, less consumption of raw materials, less pollution in our waterways, ground and air.

Single-stream recycling began in Stamford on July 1, 2009!

Thanks to Stamford's new single-stream recycling program, you can now place ALL your recyclables in one bin for curbside collection.

To receive your free bin, call 203-977-4117 or e-mail dcolleluori@samfordct.gov. Leave your name and address for immediate delivery.mail to: dcolleluori@stamfordct.gov

Here is a brief list of items you can recycle in the single-stream bins:

  • Newspapers and fliers
  • All boxes, including cereal boxes
  • Milk cartons and drink boxes
  • Plastic containers numbered 1 through 7
  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic lids
  • Egg cartons (paper or styrofoam)
  • Magazines and catalogs
  • Mail (opened) and greeting cards
  • White and pastel office paper
  • Phone directories
  • Envelopes (including Kraft and those with plastic windows)
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Glass bottles
  • Six-pack holders (plastic)
  • Pyrex
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cans
  • ...And much more.

For a full list of items you can recycle via single-stream and for more details on the program, click here. Chasque aquí para leer más - Español.

The city's goal is to recycle 40% of all solid waste by 2010. To meet this goal, the city has introduced single-stream recycling and will offer more frequent recycling of electronics. It will also expand efforts to educate citizens on the benefits of recycling.

For more information on recycling in Stamford, click on any of these links:

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